Modular Homes- Wonderful Things About a Modular Home
If you are planning to build a home but is still not sure whether to have a site-built or modular one, then this article is right for you. Although every person has his own preference, below are some benefits of a modular home that might motivate you. Take a look at them below.
1. When you look around, you might see most houses are built in the traditional way. Although there is nothing wrong with the old-fashioned way, a modular home can offer you more benefits. This modern way is known to excel in terms of speed, performance, and quality. And these are all available without spending too much money in a modular home.
2. If you have been planning to build your own house but don’t have enough money, then modular homes are perfect for you. This is due to the fact that these are produced in an amenity that purchases mass quantities of materials. In addition, modular plants are usually located in rural areas where the labor rate is cheaper. A modular home is known for its high performance compared to the stick-built house of a similar price. However, you have to take note that there are several ways on how to build or finish the home upon your own preference.
3. Another advantage of having a modular home is it gets an energy star. This does not only apply to appliances. A home can bear an energy star logo or certification after passing a series of inspections proving that it is built to perform well, and certain tolerances. A home with this certification means that it consumes less energy 15 percent less or more compared to other homes. This third party inspection process happens during the construction and before you actually move in. The suppliers of modular ensure that their homes are put together properly so there will be no necessary changes to make just to get an energy star rating. A home with this rating and other certifications give you the confidence that your house is a lot better than other homes.
4. With people’s growing concern about the Earth, there is no wonder why modular homes are increasing in popularity these days. If want to go green with anything you do, then you must choose a modular home. Unlike the traditional stick building, its construction has less landfill trash. This is because the factories producing them have better lumber which means fewer rejects and less waste during farming which means scraps can be reused. As a matter of fact, some factories use the unused bits as fuel.
5. Modular homes are incredibly stronger compared to the traditional homes built on-site. Modules are called boxes. These boxes are transported and put using a crane onto the foundation. These are built like a six-sided structure. And since the boxes are stacked, you can expect it to be more stable and stronger.
So, these are the top reasons why you should not hesitate to have a modular house. And, there are still more benefits to discover with it.