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What Makes Jake Gilbert Run for 2023 Mayoral Bid

At the beginning of this year, Jake Gilbert shocked many by announcing his vying for mayor position in Westfield. What adds to his belief that he is a qualifying candidate for this position is the fact that he has experience in running different positions like being a coach as well as member of Westfield council. Mayor play a crucial role in local government and the roles typically differ between states. The procedure of getting mayors into office typically differ between states also with some appointing them and others electing them. Since a mayor holds an important office, it’s important to ensure that there is election of credible, accountable as well as honest leaders. The case need not be different when it comes to this mayor position. Due to this there must be adherence of meeting the set criteria and standards for the candidates. Jake Gilbert in this case tend to be among the vying candidates for the mayor position and outlines the following reasons that will make residents vote for him.

Not a politician. Being not led by political reasons or favors is notes by Jake Gilbert in his speech for why he is running for this position. Many are those who are driven by their political will or interests while running for any government position. It’s however different with Jake Gilbert since he is mainly driven by the need to serve the community at large and not by political will. Those who are driven by political will and interests concentrate much on their interests rather than of the general public. Listening and learning is what Jake Gilbert mostly does to effectively understand the community needs. This means that he is vying for this mayor post while listening to the community.

Next reason is to give back to the city. This tend to be another major reason driving Jake Gilbert to run for mayor position. Jake says that he is grateful to have lived in Westfield city and thrive in helping the people back. He dreams of changing this wonderful city and make it a people’s place. This includes creation of favorable working environment for small businesses, providing job opportunities to the youth and infrastructure development. Therefore him being a mayor is like a new day dawn to Westfield residents. Making a positive change on this city is his desire.

Last is reuniting the city. Unity lacks among the members. There is major role played by community being united. Jake aims at community programs. There is need to involve the community at large.
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