A Guide for ADHD.
It is not normal to be distracted all the time. It is not always that help if the problem is not what you see on the surface. Your ADHD may be getting the better of you. A lot of people have ADHD and they are not even aware. If you are one of them, you should know that there is a way for you to get help. This article will give you general information so that you can self-assess whether you have the condition or not. Not everyone who has been diagnosed with this condition actually has it. It is important for you to pay attention to that. If you want to understand this better, think of it as a learning disorder. It means the person will find it difficult to keep their attention in one place. Even so, do not think that anyone who has been diagnosed with ADHD will not pay attention to anything. If the action is interesting enough, they can actually pay attention long enough. However, if one thing goes wrong, it will throw them off balance. Many diagnoses of ADHD where made beginning from the late 90s. This means people born before them were not diagnosed. In children, about 5{c7327ec235e14cb68ba78599262a56fae1e07d1b57c87ae130efec6ff180436a} have been diagnosed with ADHD. Of these, only half will struggle with it in their adulthood.
When it comes to a diagnosis, you need to visit a psychologist. This is a diagnosis which can be made by taking into account DSM 5. Even without going to a specialist, you can tell whether you have ADHD or just other problems by monitoring your activities. However, the symptoms have to happen frequently, at least 2 times a week. You have to look out for ADHD through lack of focus. There is the average amount of time you can stay focused. Even so, this is not the same for everyone. In addition, it is not just a matter of the time you will spend in your workspace or classroom. Consider the personal projects you take and conversations. You will not be able to stick to one train of thought.
Also, there are those who have hyperfocus when they suffer from ADHD. Even so, you will realize that it is often black and white. You can be laser focused to the point where you do not remember your time and space. Not all people with ADHD have this though because for some the focus is just low-end. Someone with hyperfocus will have problems maintaining relationships. You can learn more about this on the Balance Chair.