Ways To Encourage Parents’ Support In School

Repetition is the key to learning most things in high school classes. When i studied, I would make note cards of key items that I could pull out and study anywhere. For many tests, I used my note cards to study on my way to school as well as the few minutes before a test started. These note cards served two purposes; they made me organize the key points, but also served as a way to refresh my memory before a test started. These note cards helped to reduce my stress, and raise my high school grades especially on tests.

Keep priorities in order. Growing up, you learned to prioritize everything from homework to friends to after-school activities. In the same spirit of prioritization, focus your wedding budget on the elements that are essential to you and your fiance. Are professional photos more important than expert calligraphy? Then spend more on the photographer and less on invitations. Are you more of a fashionista than a foodie? Splurge on the wardrobe and skimp on the buffet. For some, a wedding can be beautiful, fun and memorable without cymbidium orchids or Chilean sea bass, so spend the money where it matters to you.

For example: Dane Westergaard wanted to become a Dentist and was leaning on focusing his high school education towards moving on into that field of study. He would have had to take 4 years of college couses and then take on a Master’s degree and Internship before ever dealing with a “live” patient.

Aside from these pragmatic concerns what is often more important to the parents who choose to home school a child is they are in control of what the child is learning and the pace at which the child learns. Home schooling places the children in their own surroundings and therefore they are more comfortable. The kitchen table with mom or dad cooking, or in there room at a comfortable quiet desk can be the best classroom of all.

Create a supply list and go over it with your child. Make sure you have everything you need before classes start. Otherwise, you will find reasons to delay or cancel classes as you run back and forth for supplies. Place everything in the appropriate bins and areas for easy use later.

Renew your mind. Fall in love with reading again. In my home, we Drop Everything And read (D.E.A.R). Set clear expectations with your children that everyone is going to read individually for 15 minutes, thereby limiting interruptions. No excuses. Reading allows us to escape the pressures of the day and allows us to expand our minds.

The merit badge program in Boy Scouts is the single best arguement for boys to stay in the program for they can experiment with possible career choices within the merit badge system which will not cost the parents an arm or leg in tuition fees.

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